Sunday, August 14, 2011


Ok people!! Yes we are getting married!! To find love when you think you're done with that stuff is quite amazing!!We both had our share of not so fun...But now we're having so much fun and so much love! Thanks to all you guys that wish us happiness...

Virginia City

Ok, time to be a tourist... enjoying an old cowboy town, mining for silver back in the day, now mining for wealthy tourist to fool. But I did love the old school! (What, I'm not having a class this fall??)

Finally...Passport is coming along!!

Lazy day at the lake, Bill is getting used to cold water (he is coming to Sweden!!)

Saying Hello to Lake Tahoe

Being welcomed to Carson City and Lake Tahoe by uncle Gus and his wife Sylvia. The first day we spent touring around the lake...and Wow What a Lake! So beautiful, so lovely people, this is a place that moves your heart..

The second day become to be a question day! We will meet people wondering about our love and joy for life... We had it in Champaign, we have it in Carson City, we will have it again somewhere...

Desided to stay! The second day we enjoyed the beautiful nature and the loving people..

drive, just drive..

Waving fairwell to The Great Grand Canyon, hurring through area 51, necleur power testing area, pointing our noses towards uncle Gus and Lake Tahoe. Just another lake I thought...

Grand Canyon - Bill: 0-1

THE BRIGHT ANGEL TRAIL...Hmmmmmmmmmmm...This very well is my get out of jail free card day...It started out innocent enough by having a restful night's sleep on the pine needles we layed out under our tent.Coffee n a "Big Breakfast" at Mc D's,we proceeded to the canyon and the Bright Angel Trail and my 9 mile round trip hike to the bottom of the canyon and back...Feeling confident,I keep a jogging pace all the way down thinking"take advantage of the gravity's saving you energy"...I get to the bottom and proceed to Indian Gardens campground where people are laying down,drinking water,and setting up camp for the night.I think,what?ARE WE TIRED?WUSSN' OUT?I change my socks,take a sip of water,and off I go to THE TOP OF THE CANYON!!!.....O.K......Now,I have yet to discover I forgot my food for the trip...I haul ass up the slight incline as I am approaching the canyon wall.Suddenly as I ascend the steep trail UP (which I never considered how gravity works AGAINST you on the flipside of the hike),I decide it's time for a snack.Opening my bag I discover no food....HELL WITH IT!I CAN BEAT THIS BITCH OF A CANYON!!!So I trudge up the canyon side keeping a modest pace,defiant to the notion that some people don't make it out on thier own.Halfway up,I get dizzy.3/4 of the way up,I start to vomit the water I am consuming(at the same time,I am thinking of Survivorman and "what would he do?"...By that time,I forget about anything but I WANT TO LIVE!!! And push on 10 yards at a time....Luckily a girl passes by and feels sorry for me enough to give some trail mix.WOW!!!I see how important food is on a hard hike!I made it out with a respectable 7 hours of hiking(the trail info says 6-9 hours is the norm.I hurried to my love who took care of me,feeding me fluids and "not" giving me the "You dummy,know your limits old man".All I know is I have a new respect for the canyon...and my Lise for allowing me to conqer the canyon...

The great challange

Waking up to cold 40 F and pain after sleeping on almost bare ground, we leave for the big challange of hiking into the canyon. Of course we belive that we can manage the difficult trail... After a while tripping down holding on to the canyon wall, we realise that "No we cant!"

After that defeat we spend the day walking on the rim trail for a couple of hours, eating pizza and back to campground. This time preparing for the night with warm clothes and pine needles (pignails) to be our nest.
While enjoying the night discussing ufo's and life, our french camp neighbors' (one very old gentlemen and his very young mistress) came begging for a corkscrew. After that we left the subject ufo's for more wierd phenomenon...

The Grand Canyon

We rolled in to the Grand Canyon late in the day on August the 6th.We took a quick tour of the layout and proceeded to a campground that the locals thought would still have a spot or two left open.Luckily,we found the campground and a nice location to set up camp.Ahhhhh...Nature!!!

To travel..

Being on the road, your things in your suitcase, little space n a lot of time just sitting still can be stressful. At first your just happy to be on your way. After a while, a bit bored n dirty, it becomes a good test to see if the person next to you is the person you want to be with.

..all roads leads to...Grand Canyon!

I promise, I didn't throw any trash, but wow that was not a friendly stop. They looked at me as I was an alien..

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Journey Begins...

Day 1+2:Left Galesburg at 4:00p.m. on Wednesday,August 4th.After driving many hours through 3 states,we encounter a big storm near Witchita,Kansas......RUN DOROTHY!!!Thankfully the storm blew by and we kept on truckin'.4p.m. on thursday,we made it to Albuquerque,N.M. and are now relaxing in a hotel,stretching out,re-organizing our stuff,and drinking a few cocktails in an attempt to de-stress from the monotony of travelling in a compact sports car...(just wait til Lise sees the Grand Canyon....can't wait)....:)